the individual's name because our mind remembers the bigger name of the company more than the individual's name.Before too long, I had to buy several of the books and sorted them by women and men.I would spend at least 15 minutes each day flipping through the pages to become familiar with who is in my network.It still took time to sort through them and didn't make them in digital format so I could use it in different applications like email,NIKE TN pas cher, SendOutCards or a contact management system.Getting them in electronic format will instantly allow you to access the information fast, saving you tons of time and money.One of the best investments I have ever made was buying a card scanner called CardScanthat quickly converts the information into digital format.It's not perfect and you'll have to proofread and edit some cards but it definitely makes aHUGE difference.Darlene Willman aka "The SASSY Networker" is an expert in networking and referrals. She's a professional speaker, author and coach. Winner of the 2008 SBA Award for "Women in Business Champion of the Year". Making the cards digital simply means enteringthem into a database, contact management system (CRM) or an excel spreadsheet.Once the contact is digital, you can manipulate the information easily and retrieve the data on command.Sounds technical right?Not really.I'm sure you've experienced this when you attend a networking event or two and come back to your office with a stack of cards only to put a rubber band around them and stick them in your desk drawer.Maybe you take the time to write on the top card in the stack where you were or the date, then again maybe you do nothing with them.After a while, you let the business cards take over and the piles get out of control.They appear everywhere in your office, on your desk, in drawers, envelopes, shoe boxes and simply clutter your space.Typical Scenario:You remember meeting someone previously that could help someone new you just met and would like to send them a referral but can'tTn 3 Nike Pas Cher remember their name or find their business card with their contact info.How much business are you losing because you can't locate the information and how many other people are doing the same thing?No wonder you can't give or receive enough referrals, there's no system in place!If you're just beginning to network, get one of those cute card holder organizer books that hold about 20 cards.These are perfect for a particular networking group such as BNI (Business Network International) that meet on a regular basis and rely on each other for referrals.However, if you get seriously aggressive with your networking and meet 50-100 people a week, you need another method.In the beginning, I purchased something called a "Rolodex BusinessTn Classic Nike Pas Cher Card Book" from OfficeMax that could hold up to 240 business cards.I organized them by company name vs. I get asked this question all the time from my audience and tell them it's critical they process them immediately, make them digital right away and get an organized system in place. Subscribe to "The Referral Marketing Newsletter" (a $68 Value) containing unusual tips and tactics that will dramatically increase your referrals at